Saturday, January 9, 2010


Playtime January 9 2010

Fun. Doing something just because we want to.

Laughing. Acting silly. Enjoying.

Being and becoming, fully present in the moment.

Time’s curtain parts and lets us float along

As in eternity – our spirit’s native land.

To play, we must let go –

Open to what is,

Soar untethered into joy.


A day of play brings such joy to my heart. I've been getting clear messages in the last few months that it's my time to learn playfulness, fun.  How strange to experience this, after a lifetime of responsibility, of serious earnestness, of struggling to be on time and do things right in the eyes of others.  What a gift! Didn't I play as a child? Of course I did, to some extent.  But I was responsible, the oldest of five, and a girl. It was my job to help make sure that the house got cleaned, meals cooked, clothes laundered, faces and hands washed, teeth brushed, bedtimes observed, children dressed, washed, fed, and out the door on time for school, even as I went to school myself.  School was a relief.  I only had to be a student.

Today, I played, with my best friend.  I had fun, laughed, giggled, didn't worry about the time or what chores I was supposed to do.  I was in the beautiful present moment -- delighted. I loved and felt loved, cared and felt cared for. We could have been smiling cherubs, flitting through blue skies fluttering our adorable wings

Is this not a little taste of Heaven, a promise of how joy and light are possible?        

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