Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life Keeps Changing

Changes September 3 2009

In childhood, we court the new and different –
Longing for each next step until we’re grown.

Then we tend to lose our forward thrust –
We keep wanting to hold on to what we have, what we’ve achieved --
And can’t keep moving forward, heavy laden.

Despite us, things keep shifting -- baffling, causing pain --
Until we learn to relax and then, at last, let go.

We can no longer clutch at what we’ve been and done,
But --- eager, joyful -- trusting in transcendence –
Must let go all outward show,
And move into our spirit self to rediscover love.


As I think of your last weeks and months, my Love, I can see this process of transcendence. I had seen it previously in the last few months that my friend Rand was alive. He seemed to move out of his body. He was living more and more in the life beyond. You did the same thing. You gradually accepted and moved beyond perceiving your ailing body. You forgave those who had seemed to wrong you. You joyfully embraced a sense of wonder and peace. We experienced awe and beauty in being with you.

You seemed transformed. You were glowing. We thought your health was improving. What we were really seeing, without recognizing the fact, was your soul preparing to be reborn into another kind of life.

As I experience my own aging, I realize that I don’t want to bog down in regret, or stagnate, focusing on what I’m in the process of losing on the physical plane. I want to experience the joy and excitement of moving forward, of becoming more fully my whole self.

Trying Gold September 3 2009

To become more pure,
Gold is heated many times,
Melted, then transformed;
The rarer liquid, each time, gains a Karat.

I don’t want to think of being melted down repeatedly.
I shrink away, try to refuse.
Yet I also want to lose the dross and be authentic --
Let what’s purest gold in me shine forth.


  1. Two become one, one becomes and becomes.
    The possibilities are endless.

  2. Your blogs have tugged at my heart.
